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Gel and Botox injections are among the most widely used methods today in many people around the world, including Hollywood actors, to beautify their faces and remove imperfections and wrinkles caused by aging or obesity. Frequent weight loss and…. They are used which have a significant and of course satisfactory effect on beautifying people’s faces and thus increasing their self-confidence.

The role of facial beauty and its effect on people’s self-confidence, which is not hidden from anyone, has caused many western countries today to use various injectable compounds to eliminate facial imperfections, including which can be eliminated. Removing wrinkles and frown lines, increasing the volume of facial organs such as lips and cheeks, he pointed out that members of our community have very little information about them, so in this article we intend to provide you with two types of gel and Botox injections in the best center. Tehran surgery, which is one of the popular, non-invasive, non-surgical methods that are accompanied by very low dissatisfaction and at the same time high results in order to beautify the face and appearance of people.


What is Botox?

Botox is one of the low-risk, non-invasive and non-surgical methods for facial beautification, which has been approved by the US FDA and has been the most used and popular among the American people, so that in 2015 in this country more Millions of people have used this method to beautify their faces.

How does Botox injection removewrinkles?

The procedure and procedure of Botox injection, which is actually taken as a kind of purified botulism bacteria, is not very complicated and it is done in such a way that this substance is applied to the muscles that cause frown and wrinkles. Dynamics (that is, wrinkles caused by the movement of facial muscles and muscles over many years) are injected, resulting in temporarily paralyzed or damaged muscles and muscles that do not need to be moved. The term freezes and the nerve signals that cause it to move continuously are cut off, thus preventing muscle movement and wrinkles from forming in that area, and it can even eliminate wrinkles in the area. Despite the dramatic results, the appearance of your face does not change much after Botox, and the only thing that happens is that there are no more wrinkles around the eyes when you smile. And your face will look several years younger and happier.

Do Botox injections have side effects and risks?

It is good to know that Botox has guaranteed 20 years of clinical use, without side effects and without danger, and the only side effects that you may encounter when injecting gel and Botox include brief cases such as redness, Swelling, bleeding, and tingling are temporary. Among the side effects of Botox, only the weakness of the muscles in the area around the injection site is a concern, so it is best to pay attention to the following before avoiding any Botox injection. do:

  • Avoid going to unreliable centers and to do this, look for the best gel and Botox injection centers and see doctors who specialize in this field. Tehran Surgery Center with the presence of the best cosmetic surgeon in Tehran is one of the most reputable centers for performing this cosmetic operation.
  • Avoid alcohol and beverages for a week before seeing your specialist and doing Botox.

°Avoid Botox if you have acute neuromuscular disease.

°Avoid Botox injections during pregnancy and lactation.

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Filling gel injection

Another popular and non-invasive method that has very few side effects and at the same time has impressive results, and when you visit the best gel and Botox injection center in Tehran, you are recommended to inject filler gels. Its applications include filling wrinkles such as smile lines, removing thinning hands and face, enlarging lips, removing dimples under the eyes, increasing the volume of the cheeks, chin or even other organs of the body such as Breasts and…. Cited.

These gels and filler compounds, which are used to remove deep wrinkles and even skin lesions such as leishmaniasis, etc., and according to 30 years of research and studies in European countries, are not absorbed and decompose in the body. They are uniform with the connective tissue of the body and are in perfect harmony. They can be used in two types, temporary and permanent. They are offered that have a shelf life of 6 to 18 months.

The permanent type, which is actually permanent, but due to their smaller size over time, as well as the decay of organs, their shelf life is estimated at about 6 to 10 years.

Do gel injections have any side effects

About temporary gels Since the ingredients of these gels are composed of a type of protein and hyaluronic acid that are not known as foreign substances in the immune system and therefore the body does not react to them. Usually there are no side effects and these substances are absorbed and decomposed in the body over time, but in the case of permanent gels, side effects such as allergies, infections or even the movement of the gel may be observed, which is better to prevent these side effects. Observe the following:

°If you have autoimmune diseases such as allergies and asthma, consult your doctor and get the necessary tests before injecting the gel.

  • Do not inject the gel if you have acute autoimmune diseases such as nephrotic syndrome, lupus, rheumatism or systemic diseases such as diabetes.
  • Go to the best gel and Botox injection center and use a variety of quality products that are FDA approved.

°Inject the right amount of substance.


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